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seth yeanoplos ZqnjacAteU unsplash
Government announces changes to New Zealand’s ETS settings; Market responds positively
Yesterday the Minister for Climate Change, Hon Simon Watts announced changes to the current settings of the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS).  Key changes include reduction of the number of...
vecteezy industry metallurgical plant dawn smoke smog emissions bad  BW
Capturing the Carbon Opportunity – Government explores CCUS as part of its Net Zero Ambitions
New Zealand has officially joined the growing list of countries exploring carbon capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS) as means to accelerate decarbonisation and the transition to a lower emissions ...
Forestry Unsplash ruben hanssen wl ylTCM
Forestry: Regulatory Roundup March 2024
The challenging economic environment for New Zealand’s forestry industry continues, with China’s demand for our logs remaining subdued. Moreover, in addition to the change in Government, t...
25.03.2024 Posted in Forestry & Property
Fern forest NZ
Bioenergy in New Zealand: Fuels for the Future?
The energy transition from combustion fuels to low carbon alternatives is viewed as critical in the race to cut global CO2 emissions and reach climate targets.  We look at some of the opportunities p...
HH Pg  Forrest uncropped
Pathways for Foreign Investment in NZ Forestry
Forestry is a strategically important industry for New Zealand and one which has traditionally received substantial amounts of foreign investment.  In recent years, changes have been made to the over...
18.07.2023 Posted in Foreign Investment & Forestry & Property
ETS Scheme Consultation Commences
On 19 June 2023 the Government launched a consultation process around possible changes to New Zealand’s emissions trading scheme.  Our Forestry Team looks at key features. Cyclones, flooding and ot...
HH Pg  Forrest uncropped
Forestry in 2023: Things to look out for this year
Our Forestry team considers a few things to look out for this year in the legal landscape of one of New Zealand’s most important industries: Developments in land use management regime applicable to...
Forestry reform impacts NZ log traders and advisors
Recently passed legislative updates impose new regulatory standards on forestry advisors and log traders – introducing new levels of professional compliance for a previously unregulated area of the forestry sector.
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