
Alison Maelzer

Alison Maelzer is a Partner in the Employment Law Team.

Alison provides expert advice in all aspects of employment law, with a particular interest in disciplinary issues, managing personal grievances, and health and safety at work.

Alison has practised exclusively in the employment jurisdiction for over 20 years.  Her background includes large firm and in-house local government experience, and she represents clients at mediation, in the Employment Relations Authority, and Employment Court.  Her expertise in the employment law sector has been recognised by the major legal directories, including AsiaLaw, and Chambers Asia-Pacific.  She also regularly comments on topical employment law matters in the media.

Alison’s experience covers the breadth of employment law issues, representing employers, employees, and unions in matters ranging from statutory compliance to negotiated solutions to employment relationship problems. She provides pragmatic, business-focused advice with a view to minimising cost and time for the client.  Alison works hard to ensure that advice is practical, solutions-based and delivered in plain English.



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Examples of work completed by Alison include:

  • Assisting a large employer with a redundancy process affecting a significant number of positions and employees.
  • Helping an employer investigate allegations of harassment and bullying.
  • Representing an employer in the managed exit of a senior executive.
  • Acting as an advocate for an employer during collective bargaining.
  • Negotiating the resignation of a senior manager.
  • Assisting a large manufacturer with a WorkSafe NZ investigation, and subsequent negotiation of an Enforceable Undertaking.
  • Providing tailored training to a Board of Directors, senior managers, and other employees, with regard to their legal obligations under the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015.
  • Representing an interested Union in a coroner’s request into the sudden death of one of its members.

Insights & Opinion / Alison Maelzer

Mind your business: What happens when an employer uses an employee’s personal information?
A recent decision by the Human Rights Review Tribunal (the Tribunal) provides a noteworthy reminder of the importance of privacy rights and obligations in the workplace.  In BMN v Stonewood Group Lim...
14.02.2025 Posted in Employment
Christmas Merry Xmas
Checking it Twice – Health and Safety Considerations for the End of Year Work Function
As the year draws to a close both employees and employers alike are looking forward to the end of the year, and some well-deserved rest and relaxation. Many are also looking to celebrate the year that...
22.11.2024 Posted in Employment & Health & Safety
Bowen case part 2 – the ins and outs of the determination
In our last article, we wrote about what protected disclosures are and who can make them. In this article, we discuss the Employment Relations Authority (Authority) determination, Bowen v Bank of New ...
13.09.2024 Posted in Employment
Bowen case part 1 – blowing the whistle
You may have heard of the term ‘whistleblowing’, but have you heard of ‘protected disclosures’? Protected disclosures are a creature of the Protected Disclosures (Protection of Whistleblowers)...
10.09.2024 Posted in Employment
Health and Safety Tiles
Updated Guidance: IOD and WorkSafe release ‘Health and Safety Governance – A Good Practice Guide’
While we wait with bated breath for the outcome in the prosecution of former Ports of Auckland CEO, Tony Gibson, officers’ duties are very much at the forefront of everyone’s mind. Section 44 of t...
23.07.2024 Posted in Employment & Health & Safety
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Sender beware – how private are digital workplace conversations?
Following on from the recent Official Information Act request for correspondence between Ministry of Justice employees, employees may be wondering how private their online conversations with colleague...
04.07.2024 Posted in Employment
Parker v Magnum Hire: A new era of personal grievance remedies awarded in the Employment Relations Authority?
If you heard a sudden loud noise last week – no it wasn’t a jet plane flying overhead, it was the gasp of employment lawyers across New Zealand when the Employment Relations Authority published it...
26.02.2024 Posted in Employment